jestAWS jestTerraform jestGitLab pythonPython dockerDocker htmlHTML cssCSS jsJavaScript reactReact.js bstrapBootstrap nodeNode.js gitGit netlifyNetlify ghGitHub herokuHeroku flaskFlask mongoMongoDB pgresPostgreSQL jestJest
I'm Norbert
cloud engineer & web developer

I am a skilled Cloud Engineer with years of experience in DevOps and web development. Currently, I work at Kingfisher plc in an Agile team, where I build and maintain infrastructure as code on AWS using Terraform and GitLab CI/CD. In my portfolio, you can find a wide range of projects, including basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript websites, as well as complex full-stack applications. I have also completed small geospatial data analysis projects using Python and created static maps to visualise results.

As a dedicated team player, I have contributed to more than ten group projects, demonstrating excellent communication and collaboration skills. Please click here to explore more about my projects.

Previously, I worked as a paramedic and deputy team leader, honing my problem-solving, attention to detail, resilience, patience, and ability to work under pressure. These skills have served me well in my current role and throughout my career.

I created this website to showcase my work and explore new opportunities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or are interested in collaborating.


My projects

Bug Basher© (Full-stack app)
Do you know the basics of Python or JavaScript? Are you comfortable with solving basic or complicated problems by writing your own codes?
Writing code from scratch and debugging existing code requires different approach and mindset. Many developers are amending and debugging existing codes on daily basis.
A group project of a team called "Flask & Furious" will help you to master this skill. Built with React.js, Flask, Node.js and PostgreSQL.
Utility Billionare© (Full-stack app)
A multiplayer quiz game group project built with React.js, Node.js and MongoDB. Gamers are able to join remotely via library.
Design created by pure CSS. Featured libraries: vite, express, mongoose, useSound and axios. The app is using Open Trivia Database API. Optimised to desktop.
Habit Harbour© (Full-stack app)
Habit tracker web application group project built with HTML, CSS, Node.js, mongoose and MongoDB Atlas.
Login and authentication done through JSON web tokens. Available on mobile phone-sized screens only for now.
I adore maps© (Python)
An Instagram page that contains several data visualisation with Python projects. If you are interested in maps and statistics, explore this page.
Pandas, geopandas, matplotlib and folium libraries have been utilised. The GitHub link below shows the source code of one of these maps.
Restaurant webpage template (React.js)
A restaurant website template was created with React.js.
The website contains a responsive navbar, a Hero component as well as different components for menu sections and more.
TenuRegEx (Flask)
Are you looking for a property for sale in the UK? Are you tired of checking one by one if the property is in good location, freehold, leasehold, mobile / park home, just a boat, only for investment, only for cash buyers?
TenuRegEx will help you! You can apply unique filters and save a couple of hours to find your dream property. Created with Flask
Work-Break Timer (React.js)
A handy work-break timer to remind people taking regular breaks throughout a busy working day. Before digging into your tasks for the day, you can set the "Session" and the "Break" times. Ranges are between one minute and an hour.
Then launch the countdown!
Built with React.js
Cute calculator (React.js)
Lovely colourful calculator app for everybody who likes to see hearts everywhere!
This calculator will definitely raise your mood when you are bored and frustrated with your math homework.
Created with React.js
Random Quote Generator (jQuery)
If you feel down or unmotivated, open this app and get motivating quotes from famous people.
With its bright colours and modern design, you will feel better and inspired again, only in a couple of minutes. Built with jQuery.
Drum Machine (React.js)
A plain drum machine for kids. If your child is asking you to buy a full drum kit, show them this app first!
Real talents will be engaged with the app instantly, but others will find it boring after a while. In the latter case, at least you did not spend a fortune on a full drum kit...
(My first ever React.js app)
Song Sample (React.js)
A web application accessing to a catalogue of more than 90 million samples of songs. Built with using React.js. Implemented React Hooks and Router. This app is using Deezer's API.
Landing Page Template (HTML & CSS)
An unvarnished landing page template with a modern and neat design, containing embedded video.
Created with HTML & CSS only. (My first ever webpage.)
Let's work together
contact me